Image 7822559

Full-size image - Raw image - Download FITS - Processed FITS
Background - FWHM - WCS - Filters - Zero point
Filename: /mnt/data3/auger2/2024/20241210/darks/WF1/20241211112440-477-RA.fits
Time:2024-12-11 11:24:40 UT
CCD:WF1 / 80059
Image size: 4160x4096 (4096x4096 usable)
Binning: 1x1
Exposure:5.0 s
Target:1 / Dark frames
BITPIX: 16 unsigned short data
NAXIS: 2 number of axes
NAXIS1: 4160 length of data axis
NAXIS2: 4096 length of data axis
CTIME: 1733916280 exposure start (seconds since 1.1.1970)
USEC: 477833 exposure start micro seconds
JD: 2460655.97546296 exposure JD
DATE-OBS: '2024-12-11T11:24:40.477' start of exposure
TARGET: 1 target id
TARSEL: 1 selector target id
TARTYPE: 'd' target type
OBSID: -1 observation id
IMGID: 1002 image id
PROC: 0 image processing status
CCD_NAME: 'WF1' camera name
MOONDIST: -9.1191291391491e-36 angular distance to between observation and the
MOONRA: 24.2316922873579 lunar RA
MOONDEC: 12.2727982193452 lunar DEC
MOONPHA: 29.1995980351205 moon phase
MOONALT: -59.6951986472494 lunar altitude
MOONAZ: 46.4853860162158 lunar azimuth
EXPOSURE: 5.0 exposure length in seconds
EXPTIME: 5.0 exposure length in seconds
INSTRUME: 'FRAM2 300/2.8' name of the data acqusition instrument
TELESCOP: 'FRAM2' name of the data acqusition telescope
ORIGIN: 'Institute of Physics ASCR' organisation responsible for data
FOC_NAME: 'F1' name of focuser
SCRIPREP: 50 script loop count
SCRIPT: 'filter=D D 1 filter=D D 2 filter=D D 3 filter=D D 5 filter=D D 10 filter=D D 15 filter=D D 30 filter=D D 60 filter=D D 90 filter=D D 120 filter=D D 180' script used to take this images
SCR_COMM: '' comment recorded for this script
COMM_NUM: 0 comment order within current script
CCD_TYPE: 'C4-16000EC' camera type
CCD_SER: 'C4GS16000-8001' camera serial number
CCD_CHIP: 'GSENSE4040' camera chip type
IMAGETYP: 'dark' IRAF based image type
SLITPOSX: -1.0 [pixels] slit position along dithering axis
SLITPOSY: -1.0 [pixels] slit position along dithering axis
BINNING: '1x1' [pixelX x pixelY] chip binning
BINX: 1 [pixels] binning along X axis
BINY: 1 [pixels] binning along X axis
SHUTTER: 1 shutter state (0 - opened, 1 - closed)
CCD_AIR: 22.06562 detector air temperature
CCD_TEMP: 24.66282 CCD temperature
COOLING: True camera cooling start/stop
CCD_SET: 50.0 CCD set temperature
TEMPPWR: 0.0 [%] utilization of cooling power
VOLTAGE: 11.96533 [V] current voltage of the camera power supply
GAIN: 0.82 [e-ADU] gain
PRODUCT_ID: 80059 camera product identification
PREFLASH: 0.0 Duration of CCD pre-exposure preflash
NCLEARS: 0 Number of CCD pre-exposure clears after preflas
RDOUTM: '16-bit HDR' camera mode
OBJECT: 'Dark frames' target object name
PI: '' project investigator of the target
PROGRAM: '' target program name
WEATHER.NEXT_GOOD_WEATHER: 1733852594.0 date and time of next good we
WEATHER2.NEXT_GOOD_WEATHER: 1733206889.0 date and time of next good w
WEATHER2.UPDATE_TIME: 1733916122.0 time of last update of device stat
WEATHER2.GOOD_WEATHER: True weather quality as set by external script
WEATHER2.TEMPERATURE: 15.3 Temperature, degrees
WEATHER2.HUMIDITY: 21.0 Humidity
WEATHER2.DEWPOINT: -6.8 Dew point, degrees
FOC_TYPE: 'GCUSB-nStep' focuser type
FOC_POS: 600.0 focuser position
FOC_TAR: 600.0 focuser target position
FOC_DEF: 600.0 default target value
FOC_FILTEROFF: 0.0 offset related to actual filter
FOC_FOFF: 0.0 offset from focusing routine
FOC_TOFF: 0.0 temporary offset for focusing
FOC_TEMP: 15.5 focuser temperature
CAM_FILT: 3 filter used for image
AVERAGE: 158.680493046687 average value of image
STDEV: 130.651243167915 standard deviation value of image
CTYPE1T: 'RA---TAN' WCS transformation type
CTYPE2T: 'DEC--TAN' WCS transformation type
CRPIX1T: 2000.0 reference pixel of the 1st axis
CRPIX2T: 1914.0 reference pixel of the 2nd axis
CDELT1T: 0.001709 delta along 1st axis
CDELT2T: -0.001709 delta along 2nd axis
CROTA2T: 0.0 rotational angle
DATASEC: '[1:4096,1:4096]' good data section
FILTER: 'D' camera filter as string
DATE: '2024-12-11T11:24:48.235' creation date