Id: | 7534873 |
Filename: | /mnt/data3/auger/2024/20240808/00012/WF8/20240809095100-524-RA.fits |
Time: | 2024-08-09 09:51:00 UT |
Night: | 20240808 |
Site: | auger |
CCD: | WF8 / 6069 |
Type: | object |
Image size: | 4144x4127 (4096x4096 usable) |
Binning: | 1x1 |
Exposure: | 30.0 s |
Filter: | B |
Target: | 12 / Auger shower |
RA: | 60.47472793767923 |
Dec: | 33.56164227949182 |
Alt / Az: | 17.1442763183899 200.553215144291 |
BITPIX: | 16 | ASCII or bytes array |
NAXIS: | 2 | Minimal header |
NAXIS1: | 4144 | length of data axis |
NAXIS2: | 4127 | length of data axis |
CTIME: | 1723197060 | exposure start (seconds since 1.1.1970) |
USEC: | 524366 | exposure start micro seconds |
JD: | 2460531.91029072 | Modified Julian Date |
DATE-OBS: | '2024-08-09T09:51:00.524' | start of exposure |
TARGET: | 12 | target id |
TARSEL: | 12 | selector target id |
TARTYPE: | 'A' | target type |
OBSID: | 173387 | observation id |
IMGID: | 4 | image id |
PROC: | 3 | procesing status; info in DB |
CCD_NAME: | 'WF8' | camera name |
MOONDIST: | 133.908118540674 | angular distance to between observation and the |
MOONRA: | 190.507344105898 | lunar RA |
MOONDEC: | -4.93744742628114 | lunar DEC |
MOONPHA: | 69.5852140434453 | moon phase |
MOONALT: | -42.6844237397705 | lunar altitude |
MOONAZ: | 323.279244081444 | lunar azimuth |
AGR_T3ID: | 16468 | Auger target id |
AGR_EYE: | 1 | FD eye Id |
AGR_RUN: | 10347 | FD run number |
AGR_EVENT: | 7562 | FD event number |
AGR_AUGERID: | '17330185__sd' | Event Auger Id after SD/FD merger |
AGR_GPSSEC: | 1407231549 | GPS second (SD) |
AGR_GPSNSEC: | 302679397 | GPS nano second (SD) |
AGR_SDID: | 17330185 | SD Event Id |
AGR_NPIX: | 26 | Num. pixels with a pulse after FdPulseFinder |
AGR_SDPTHETA: | 86.629 | Zenith angle of SDP normal vector (deg) |
AGR_SDPTHETAERR: | 1.0937 | Uncertainty of SDPtheta |
AGR_SDPPHI: | -170.19 | Azimuth angle of SDP normal vector (deg) |
AGR_SDPPHIERR: | 0.51116 | Uncertainty of SDPphi |
AGR_SDPCHI2: | 57.728 | Chi^2 of SDP db_it |
AGR_SDPNDF: | 23 | Degrees of db_reedom of SDP db_it |
AGR_RP: | 2031.9 | Shower impact parameter Rp (m) |
AGR_RPERR: | 16.434 | Uncertainty of Rp (m) |
AGR_CHI0: | 34.431 | Angle of shower in the SDP (deg) |
AGR_CHI0ERR: | 0.37881 | Uncertainty of Chi0 (deg) |
AGR_T0: | 27445.0 | FD time db_it T_0 (ns) |
AGR_T0ERR: | 24.08 | Uncertainty of T_0 (ns) |
AGR_TIMECHI2: | 29.155 | Full Chi^2 of axis db_it |
AGR_TIMECHI2FD: | 29.155 | Chi^2 of axis db_it (FD only) |
AGR_TIMENDF: | 22 | Degrees of db_reedom of axis db_it |
AGR_EASTING: | 460420.5 | Core position in easting coordinate (m) |
AGR_NORTHING: | 6075219.1 | Core position in northing coordinate (m) |
AGR_ALTITUDE: | 1395.8 | Core position altitude (m) |
AGR_NORTHINGERR: | 36.82 | Uncertainty of northing coordinate (m) |
AGR_EASTINGERR: | 32.709 | Uncertainty of easting coordinate (m) |
AGR_THETA: | 55.605 | Shower zenith angle in core coords. (deg) |
AGR_THETAERR: | 0.38041 | Uncertainty of zenith angle (deg) |
AGR_PHI: | 67.513 | Shower azimuth angle in core coords. (deg) |
AGR_PHIERR: | 0.25625 | Uncertainty of azimuth angle (deg) |
AGR_DEDXMAX: | 0.64934 | Energy deposit at shower max (GeV/(g/cm^2)) |
AGR_DEDXMAXERR: | 0.047326 | Uncertainty of Nmax (GeV/(g/cm^2)) |
AGR_XMAX: | 663.92 | Slant depth of shower maximum (g/cm^2) |
AGR_XMAXERR: | 29.885 | Uncertainty of Xmax (g/cm^2) |
AGR_X0: | -451.37 | X0 Gaisser-Hillas db_it (g/cm^2) |
AGR_X0ERR: | 0.0 | Uncertainty of X0 (g/cm^2) |
AGR_LAMBDA: | 59.267 | Lambda of Gaisser-Hillas db_it (g/cm^2) |
AGR_LAMBDAERR: | 0.0 | Uncertainty of Lambda (g/cm^2) |
AGR_GHCHI2: | 24.52 | Chi^2 of Gaisser-Hillas db_it |
AGR_GHNDF: | 10 | Degrees of db_reedom of GH db_it |
AGR_LINEFITCHI2: | 252.87 | Chi^2 of linear db_it to profile |
AGR_EMENERGY: | 0.42028 | Calorimetric energy db_rom GH db_it (EeV) |
AGR_EMENERGYERR: | 0.029943 | Uncertainty of Eem (EeV) |
AGR_ENERGY: | 0.5093 | Total energy db_rom GH db_it (EeV) |
AGR_ENERGYERR: | 0.03814 | Uncertainty of Etot (EeV) |
AGR_MINANGLE: | 6.8411 | Minimum viewing angle (deg) |
AGR_MAXANGLE: | 23.425 | Maximum viewing angle (deg) |
AGR_MEANANGLE: | 15.181 | Mean viewing angle (deg) |
AGR_NTANK: | 1 | Number of stations in hybrid db_it |
AGR_HOTTESTTANK: | 427 | Station used in hybrid-geometry reco |
AGR_AXISDIST: | 160.64 | Shower axis distance to hottest station (m) |
AGR_SDPDIST: | 47.883 | SDP distance to hottest station (m) |
AGR_SDFDDT: | -12.782 | SD/FD time offset after the minimization (ns) |
AGR_XMAXEYEDIST: | 14286.0 | Distance to shower maximum (m) |
AGR_XTRACKMIN: | 521.17 | First recorded slant depth of track (g/cm^2) |
AGR_XTRACKMAX: | 1361.4 | Last recorded slant depth of track (g/cm^2) |
AGR_XFOVMIN: | 510.1 | First slant depth inside FOV (g/cm^2) |
AGR_XFOVMAX: | 1486.3 | Last slant depth inside FOV (g/cm^2) |
AGR_XTRACKOBS: | 840.23 | Observed track length depth (g/cm^2) |
AGR_DEGTRACKOBS: | 18.116 | Observed track length angle (deg) |
AGR_TTRACKOBS: | 10.0 | Observed track length time (100 ns) |
AGR_CUT: | 8 | Cuts pased by shower |
EXPOSURE: | 30.0 | exposure length in seconds |
EXPTIME: | 30.0 | exposure length in seconds |
INSTRUME: | 'WF 4kx4k CCD' | name of the data acqusition instrument |
TELESCOP: | 'FRAM at Pierre Auger Observatory' | name of the data acqusition teles |
ORIGIN: | 'Institute of Physics, Prague' | organisation responsible for data |
FOC_NAME: | 'FWF' | name of focuser |
SCRIPREP: | 0 | script loop count |
SCRIPT: | ' FWF.FOC_TOFF=0 filter=B E 30 GM2000.WOFFS=(1.60128,5.63574) FWF.FOC_TOFF=0 filter=B E 30 GM2000.WOFFS=(3.33991,11.2542) FWF.FOC_TOFF=0 filter=B E 30 GM2000.WOFFS=(5.27234,16.8482) FWF.FOC_TOFF=0 filter=B E 30 GM2000.WOFFS=(7.47576,22.4078) FWF.FOC_TOFF=0 filter=B E 30 GM2000.WOFFS=(10.0606,27.9187) FWF.FOC_TOFF=0 filter=B E 30' | script used to take this images |
SCR_COMM: | '' | comment recorded for this script |
COMM_NUM: | 0 | comment order within current script |
CCD_TYPE: | 'G4-16000' | camera type |
CCD_SER: | 'G4KF16000-0620' | camera serial number |
CCD_CHIP: | 'KAF-16803' | camera chip type |
IMAGETYP: | 'object' | IRAF based image type |
SLITPOSX: | -1.0 | [pixels] slit position along dithering axis |
SLITPOSY: | -1.0 | [pixels] slit position along dithering axis |
BINNING: | '1x1' | [pixelX x pixelY] chip binning |
BINX: | 1 | [pixels] binning along X axis |
BINY: | 1 | [pixels] binning along X axis |
SHUTTER: | 0 | shutter state (0 - opened, 1 - closed) |
CCD_AIR: | -2.073871 | detector air temperature |
CCD_TEMP: | -10.27857 | CCD temperature |
COOLING: | True | camera cooling start/stop |
CCD_SET: | -10.0 | CCD set temperature |
TEMPPWR: | 0.148 | [%] utilization of cooling power |
VOLTAGE: | 10.97993 | [V] current voltage of the camera power supply |
GAIN: | 1.6 | [e-ADU] gain |
PRODUCT_ID: | 6069 | camera product identification |
PREFLASH: | 2.0 | Duration of CCD pre-exposure preflash |
NCLEARS: | 4 | Number of CCD pre-exposure clears after preflas |
RDOUTM: | 'Low Noise' | camera mode |
OBJECT: | 'Auger shower' | target object name |
PI: | '' | project investigator of the target |
PROGRAM: | '' | target program name |
WEATHER.NEXT_GOOD_WEATHER: | 1722995975.0 | date and time of next good we |
UPS.NEXT_GOOD_WEATHER: | 1722465711.0 | date and time of next good weathe |
MNT_NAME: | 'GM2000' | name of mount |
LATITUDE: | -35.4958333333333 | observatory latitude |
LONGITUD: | -69.4497222222222 | observatory longitude |
ALTITUDE: | 1430.0 | observatory altitude |
AMBTEMP: | 10.0 | [C] observatory ambient temperature |
AMBHUMIDITY: | 70.0 | [%] observatory relative humidity |
WAVELENGTH: | 500.0 | [nm] incoming radiation wavelength |
DUT1: | 0.0 | [s] UT1 - UTC |
ORIRA: | 55.200006 | original position (epoch) RA |
ORIDEC: | 17.021378 | original position (epoch) DEC |
OEPOCH: | 2000.0 | epoch (2000,..) |
PMRA: | 0.0 | proper motion/year RA |
PMDEC: | 0.0 | proper motion/year DEC |
OFFSRA: | 5.27234 | object offset RA |
OFFSDEC: | 16.8482 | object offset DEC |
OBJRA: | 60.472346 | telescope FOV center position (J2000) - with of |
OBJDEC: | 33.869578 | telescope FOV center position (J2000) - with of |
TARRA: | 60.472346 | target position with computed corrections (prec |
TARDEC: | 33.869578 | target position with computed corrections (prec |
CORR_RA: | 0.0 | correction from closed loop RA |
CORR_DEC: | 0.0 | correction from closed loop DEC |
MO_RTS2RA: | 0.0 | [deg] RTS2 model offsets RA |
MO_RTS2DEC: | 0.0 | [deg] RTS2 model offsets DEC |
TELRA: | 60.4704166666667 | mount position (from sensors, sky coordinates) |
TELDEC: | 33.8691666666667 | mount position (from sensors, sky coordinates) |
JD_HELIO: | 2460531.90880754 | heliocentric JD |
TEL_ALT: | 17.1442763183899 | horizontal telescope coordinates altitude |
TEL_AZ: | 200.553215144291 | horizontal telescope coordinates azimuth |
PARKTIME: | 1723115893.58307 | Time of last mount park |
AIRMASS: | 3.36896648522449 | Airmass of target location |
HA: | 336.169178268797 | Location hour angle |
LST: | 36.6395949354639 | Local Sidereal Time |
MOVE_NUM: | 1886 | number of movements performed by the driver; us |
CORR_IMG: | 0 | ID of last image used for correction |
CORR_OBS: | 0 | ID of last observation used for correction |
MNT_ROTA: | 0.0 | mount rotang |
MNT_FLIP: | 0 | telescope flip |
LOCATIME: | 147.699166666667 | telescope local time |
FLIP: | 'East' | telescope flip |
GSTAT: | '0' | low-level status as returned by mount |
MNT_INFO: | 1723197049.11818 | time when mount informations were collected |
SUN_ALT: | -19.2844085447597 | solar altitude |
SUN_AZ: | 264.05250515416 | solar azimuth |
FOC_TYPE: | 'GCUSB-nStep' | focuser type |
FOC_POS: | 519.0 | focuser position |
FOC_TAR: | 519.286560058594 | focuser target position |
FOC_DEF: | 469.286573146 | default target value |
FOC_FILTEROFF: | 50.0 | offset related to actual filter |
FOC_FOFF: | 0.0 | offset from focusing routine |
FOC_TOFF: | 0.0 | temporary offset for focusing |
FOC_TEMP: | -4.0 | focuser temperature |
CAM_FILT: | 0 | filter used for image |
AVERAGE: | 537.655305360312 | average value of image |
STDEV: | 110.665876353533 | standard deviation value of image |
CTYPE1T: | 'RA---TAN' | WCS transformation type |
CTYPE2T: | 'DEC--TAN' | WCS transformation type |
CRVAL1T: | 60.472346 | reference value on 1st axis |
CRVAL2T: | 33.869578 | reference value on 2nd axis |
CRPIX1T: | 2000.0 | reference pixel of the 1st axis |
CRPIX2T: | 1914.0 | reference pixel of the 2nd axis |
CDELT1T: | 0.001709 | delta along 1st axis |
CDELT2T: | -0.001709 | delta along 2nd axis |
CROTA2T: | 0.0 | rotational angle |
DATASEC: | '[31:4126,12:4107]' | good data section |
FILTER: | 'B' | camera filter as string |
DATE: | '2024-08-09T09:51:57.341' | creation date |
WCSAXES: | 2 | no comment |
CTYPE1: | 'RA---TAN-SIP' | TAN (gnomic) projection + SIP distortions |
CTYPE2: | 'DEC--TAN-SIP' | TAN (gnomic) projection + SIP distortions |
EQUINOX: | 2000.0 | Equatorial coordinates definition (yr) |
LONPOLE: | 180.0 | no comment |
LATPOLE: | 0.0 | no comment |
CRVAL1: | 59.5402781574 | RA of reference point |
CRVAL2: | 32.8733756056 | DEC of reference point |
CRPIX1: | 2477.51806641 | X reference pixel |
CRPIX2: | 2514.13956706 | Y reference pixel |
CUNIT1: | 'deg' | X pixel scale units |
CUNIT2: | 'deg' | Y pixel scale units |
CD1_1: | 8.67421498688e-06 | Transformation matrix |
CD1_2: | -0.00171955760608 | no comment |
CD2_1: | -0.0017228732311 | no comment |
CD2_2: | -8.7122705076e-06 | no comment |
IMAGEW: | 4144 | Image width, in pixels. |
IMAGEH: | 4127 | Image height, in pixels. |
A_ORDER: | 4 | Polynomial order, axis 1 |
A_0_0: | 0 | no comment |
A_0_1: | 0 | no comment |
A_0_2: | -7.61290544752e-07 | no comment |
A_0_3: | 1.17749250526e-11 | no comment |
A_0_4: | -1.07978091872e-14 | no comment |
A_1_0: | 0 | no comment |
A_1_1: | -1.89067145513e-06 | no comment |
A_1_2: | -1.8534692493e-09 | no comment |
A_1_3: | 9.15536800221e-15 | no comment |
A_2_0: | -3.17502878003e-06 | no comment |
A_2_1: | -6.82718952593e-11 | no comment |
A_2_2: | -2.27792457461e-14 | no comment |
A_3_0: | -1.95550666055e-09 | no comment |
A_3_1: | -6.80807418896e-14 | no comment |
A_4_0: | -4.52668180888e-15 | no comment |
B_ORDER: | 4 | Polynomial order, axis 2 |
B_0_0: | 0 | no comment |
B_0_1: | 0 | no comment |
B_0_2: | -2.67604308348e-06 | no comment |
B_0_3: | -1.82045318162e-09 | no comment |
B_0_4: | 1.62220187044e-14 | no comment |
B_1_0: | 0 | no comment |
B_1_1: | -2.19843088395e-06 | no comment |
B_1_2: | -8.8472217829099e-11 | no comment |
B_1_3: | 1.04201707305e-14 | no comment |
B_2_0: | -7.64177116045e-07 | no comment |
B_2_1: | -1.88001433275e-09 | no comment |
B_2_2: | -7.45997010828e-14 | no comment |
B_3_0: | 1.87813640739e-11 | no comment |
B_3_1: | 9.71523086674999e-15 | no comment |
B_4_0: | -6.23601992139e-15 | no comment |
AP_ORDER: | 4 | Inv polynomial order, axis 1 |
AP_0_0: | -0.0497383412928 | no comment |
AP_0_1: | 2.93470466999e-05 | no comment |
AP_0_2: | 7.91763533093e-07 | no comment |
AP_0_3: | -1.25420865333e-11 | no comment |
AP_0_4: | 1.20294535812e-14 | no comment |
AP_1_0: | -0.000102284366041 | no comment |
AP_1_1: | 1.96074645666e-06 | no comment |
AP_1_2: | 1.94930681967e-09 | no comment |
AP_1_3: | -5.88816741214e-15 | no comment |
AP_2_0: | 3.2703094337e-06 | no comment |
AP_2_1: | 7.63405942131e-11 | no comment |
AP_2_2: | 3.23614651603e-14 | no comment |
AP_3_0: | 2.04668810098e-09 | no comment |
AP_3_1: | 7.59706580707e-14 | no comment |
AP_4_0: | 1.34152763646e-14 | no comment |
BP_ORDER: | 4 | Inv polynomial order, axis 2 |
BP_0_0: | -0.0505140368981 | no comment |
BP_0_1: | -8.91705619731e-05 | no comment |
BP_0_2: | 2.77036974499e-06 | no comment |
BP_0_3: | 1.89433135955e-09 | no comment |
BP_0_4: | -1.45752821142e-14 | no comment |
BP_1_0: | 2.77414724908e-05 | no comment |
BP_1_1: | 2.27009832345e-06 | no comment |
BP_1_2: | 9.4239921741e-11 | no comment |
BP_1_3: | -4.84991270226e-15 | no comment |
BP_2_0: | 7.95300354370999e-07 | no comment |
BP_2_1: | 1.97668273099e-09 | no comment |
BP_2_2: | 8.2439151588e-14 | no comment |
BP_3_0: | -1.76061038001e-11 | no comment |
BP_3_1: | -3.74853778606e-15 | no comment |
BP_4_0: | 7.76574232659e-15 | no comment |
_ATE: | '2024-08-09T09:51:52' | Date this file was created. |
RA_ERR: | 0.0 | RA error in position |
DEC_ERR: | 0.0 | DEC error in position |
POS_ERR: | 0.0 | error in position |