Image 1797502

Full-size image - Raw image - Download FITS - Processed FITS
Background - FWHM - WCS - Filters - Zero point
Filename: /mnt/data0/cta-n/2018/20181217/darks/C0/20181217182340-805-RA.fits
Time:2018-12-17 18:23:40 UT
CCD:C0 / 2596
Image size: 1056x1024
Binning: 1x1
Exposure:1.0 s
Target:1 / Dark frames
Alt / Az:28.563434167836 179.405969794509
BITPIX: 16 unsigned short data
NAXIS: 2 number of axes
NAXIS1: 1056 length of data axis
NAXIS2: 1024 length of data axis
CTIME: 1545071020 exposure start (seconds since 1.1.1970)
USEC: 805854 exposure start micro seconds
JD: 2458470.26623503 Modified Julian Date
DATE-OBS: '2018-12-17T18:23:40.805' start of exposure
TARGET: 1 target id
TARSEL: 1 selector target id
TARTYPE: 'd' target type
OBSID: 3392 observation id
IMGID: 19 image id
PROC: 0 image processing status
CCD_NAME: 'C0' camera name
MOONDIST: 114.128104802132 angular distance to between observation and the
MOONRA: 21.8090248497653 lunar RA
MOONDEC: 3.55258999332878 lunar DEC
MOONPHA: 35.5582268369489 moon phase
MOONALT: 46.4194971857275 lunar altitude
MOONAZ: 298.310824887999 lunar azimuth
EXPOSURE: 1.0 exposure length in seconds
EXPTIME: 1.0 exposure length in seconds
INSTRUME: 'BART 254/1600 mm' name of the data acqusition instrument
TELESCOP: '' name of the data acqusition telescope
ORIGIN: 'Institute of Physics ASCR' organisation responsible for data
FOC_NAME: 'F0' name of focuser
SCRIPREP: 1 script loop count
SCRIPT: 'filter=DF D 1 filter=DF D 2 filter=DF D 3 filter=DF D 5 filter=DF D 10 filter=DF D 20 filter=DF D 30 filter=DF D 60 filter=DF D 120 filter=DF D 180' script used to take this images
SCR_COMM: '' comment recorded for this script
COMM_NUM: 0 comment order within current script
CCD_TYPE: 'MI G2-1000BI rev.20' camera type
CCD_SER: 'G2EV01000-02596' camera serial number
CCD_CHIP: 'CCD47-10' camera chip type
IMAGETYP: 'dark' IRAF based image type
OBJECT: 'Dark frames' target object name
SLITPOSX: -1.0 [pixels] slit position along dithering axis
SLITPOSY: -1.0 [pixels] slit position along dithering axis
BINNING: '1x1' [pixelX x pixelY] chip binning
BINX: 1 [pixels] binning along X axis
BINY: 1 [pixels] binning along X axis
SHUTTER: 1 shutter state (0 - opened, 1 - closed)
CCD_AIR: 12.78644 detector air temperature
CCD_TEMP: -20.03017 CCD temperature
COOLING: True camera cooling start/stop
CCD_SET: -20.0 CCD set temperature
TEMPPWR: 40971 [%] utilization of cooling power
GAIN: 1167 [e-ADU] gain
PRODUCT_ID: 2596 camera product identification
SHIFT: 0 shift (for partial, not cleared readout)
RDOUTM: 'LOW NOISE' camera mode
WEATHER.NEXT_GOOD_WEATHER: 1543247337.0 date and time of next good we
WEATHER.UPDATE_TIME: 1545070981.0 time of last update of weather stat
WEATHER.GOOD_WEATHER: True weather quality as set by external script
WEATHER.RAIN: False rain condition as set by external script
WEATHER.TEMPERATURE: 7.08 temperature as set by external script
WEATHER.WINDSPEED: 0.833333333333 wind speed as set by external scri
WEATHER.HUMIDITY: 62.98 humidity as set by external script
WEATHER.PRESSURE: 790.91 pressure as set by external script
MNT_NAME: 'T0' name of mount
LATITUDE: 28.7666666666667 observatory latitude
LONGITUD: -17.9 observatory longitude
ALTITUDE: 2184.0 observatory altitude
AMBTEMP: 10.0 [C] observatory ambient temperature
AMBHUMIDITY: 70.0 [%] observatory relative humidity
WAVELENGTH: 500.0 [nm] incoming radiation wavelength
DUT1: 0.0 [s] UT1 - UTC
ORIRA: 144.899088 original position (epoch) RA
ORIDEC: 35.950682 original position (epoch) DEC
OEPOCH: 2000.0 epoch (2000,..)
PMRA: 0.0 proper motion/year RA
PMDEC: 0.0 proper motion/year DEC
OFFSRA: 0.0 object offset RA
OFFSDEC: 0.0 object offset DEC
OBJRA: 144.899088 telescope FOV center position (J2000) - with of
OBJDEC: 35.950682 telescope FOV center position (J2000) - with of
TARRA: 145.192717265166 target position with computed corrections (prec
TARDEC: 35.8616204462886 target position with computed corrections (prec
CORR_RA: 0.0 correction from closed loop RA
CORR_DEC: 0.0 correction from closed loop DEC
MO_RTS2RA: 0.0 [deg] RTS2 model offsets RA
MO_RTS2DEC: 0.0 [deg] RTS2 model offsets DEC
TELRA: 233.1125 mount position (from sensors, sky coordinates)
TELDEC: 89.4405555555556 mount position (from sensors, sky coordinates)
JD_HELIO: 2458470.2686511 heliocentric JD
TEL_ALT: 28.563434167836 horizontal telescope coordinates altitude
TEL_AZ: 179.405969794509 horizontal telescope coordinates azimuth
PARKTIME: 1545033678.65904 Time of last mount park
AIRMASS: 2.0867975630124 Airmass of target location
HA: 111.159143400154 Location hour angle
LST: 344.271643400154 Local Sidereal Time
MOVE_NUM: 2070 number of movements performed by the driver; us
CORR_IMG: 0 ID of last image used for correction
CORR_OBS: 0 ID of last observation used for correction
MNT_ROTA: 0.0 mount rotang
MNT_FLIP: 0 telescope flip
LOCATIME: 276.179166666667 telescope local time
FLIP: 'East' telescope flip
GSTAT: '5' low-level status as returned by mount
MNT_INFO: 1545071002.7067 time when mount informations were collected
SUN_ALT: -2.33552382978981 solar altitude
SUN_AZ: 64.5092708617422 solar azimuth
FOC_TYPE: 'OPTEC_TCF' focuser type
FOC_POS: 3086.0 focuser position
FOC_TAR: 3086.4345703125 focuser target position
FOC_DEF: 3086.43456764 default target value
FOC_FILTEROFF: 0.0 offset related to actual filter
FOC_FOFF: 0.0 offset from focusing routine
FOC_TOFF: 0.0 temporary offset for focusing
FOC_TEMP: 9.4 focuser temperature
CAM_FILT: 0 filter used for image
AVERAGE: 482.048233494614 average value of image
STDEV: 7.35978911705322 standard deviation value of image
CTYPE1T: 'RA---TAN' WCS transformation type
CTYPE2T: 'DEC--TAN' WCS transformation type
CRVAL1T: 144.899088 reference value on 1st axis
CRVAL2T: 35.950682 reference value on 2nd axis
CRPIX1T: 528.0 reference pixel of the 1st axis
CRPIX2T: 512.0 reference pixel of the 2nd axis
CDELT1T: 0.000425 delta along 1st axis
CDELT2T: -0.000425 delta along 2nd axis
CROTA2T: 0.0 rotational angle
FILTER: 'DF' camera filter as string
DATE: '2018-12-17T18:23:47.125' creation date
CHECKSUM: 'WY6iaX6hZX6haX6h' HDU checksum updated 2022-10-04T23:25:34
DATASUM: '1623604185' data unit checksum updated 2022-10-04T23:25:34